New Treasures!

Hooray! Hooray! I’m so excited! I was just blessed by a huge new treasure chest full of jewelry-making goodies… all for FREE!

Here’s how it happened…

There is a local crafter’s group in my area with a bunch of (mostly) women who have so many different artistic/crafty skills across the board. There are jewelry-makers, crocheters, knitters, wool spinners, potters, painters and just wonderfully creative people.

I had just happened to stumble across an event this group was hosting to fix broken jewelry for anyone who needed help. Since I have a specific skill set in making jewelry, I thought I would volunteer to help with mending and came to the event. That is where I first met a lovely lady, Lisa, who also works with jewelry. We chatted a bit and helped anyone who came with the broken things. At the end of the night, I thanked everyone for a nice time and went on home.

A few weeks later, I get a message from Lisa… “I have some jewelry bits and pieces, if you would like to take a look”. I thought, “Sure, why not. Free stuff is normally good stuff.” So, the following week, I went to the craft night. Now, when I heard ‘bits and pieces’, I was thinking maybe a little zip-lock of odds and ends. Imagine my surprise when THIS is what I was offered…

AMAZING!!!     It turned out to be a MASSIVE amount of jewelry that had all been stuffed into this old-fashion yellow’ish jewelry box. So exciting!!! I took the next hour pulling everything out, untangling chains, sorting stuff into general categories, and tossing out broken bits.

It is going to be so much fun to start making new things with my new treasure!

Have you ever scored a collection of stuff for cheap or free? Let me know!

Thanks for reading! See ya next time!

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